Experienced public servant and lawyer, Sean Morrison, has been appointed the new Commissioner at the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC).
As Commissioner, Mr Morrison will provide independent advice to Government and oversee Victoria’s freedom of information, privacy and data protection laws.
“I look forward to Mr Morrison’s contribution as Commissioner. His experience across freedom of information, privacy and data protection ensures he is well-placed to lead the OVIC,” said Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes.
Mr Morrison led the Victorian Government’s legal response to the Commonwealth’s Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
He also led the Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and held the role of Executive Director, Legal, Privacy and Integrity at the Department of Health having previously been the General Counsel at the Department of Government Services.
Recently he served as Special Investigator at the Office of the Special Investigator.
He was admitted to legal practice in 2008 and holds an Executive Master in Public Administration from the Australian and New Zealand School of Government.
He also holds a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the College of Law, a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New England and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Science from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
This appointment fills the vacancy left by Sven Bluemmel following his appointment as the Victorian Electoral Commissioner in August 2023. Mr Bluemmel served as the Victorian Information Commissioner since its establishment in September 2017.
“I thank Sven Bluemmel for his service to the Victorian public as the inaugural Information Commissioner. I would also like to thank Joanne Kummrow and Rachel Dixon for their leadership as Acting Information Commissioners over the past six months,” said Ms Symes.